buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Scroll Chat - Interactive AI Chatbot style.css header class hero nav div ScrollChat class logo div class nav-links a Features href #features a Try It href #chat a About href #about main section id chat class chat-container div class chat-box div class chat-messages div class message bot p Hello! I'm ScrollChat. How can I help you today? div class chat-input input type text id userInput placeholder Type your message here... button Send id sendButton section id features class features h2 Why Choose ScrollChat? div class feature-grid div class feature-card div 🤖 class feature-icon h3 Intelligent Responses p Advanced AI-powered conversations that understand context div class feature-card div 🚀 class feature-icon h3 Lightning Fast p Instant responses with no lag or delay div class feature-card div 🔒 class feature-icon h3 Secure & Private p Your conversations are protected and private div class feature-card div 🎯 class feature-icon h3 Always Learning p Continuously improving through user interactions section id about class about h2 About ScrollChat p A next-generation chatbot powered by Scroll technology footer div class footer-content p Built with Scroll - Making conversations smarter div class footer-links a Terms href /terms a Privacy href /privacy a Contact href /contact script.js